Osmar Jardim repercutindo:
Do G1, em Brasília
A aprovação do governo da presidente Dilma Rousseff caiu para 30%, segundo pesquisa Datafolha divulgada neste sábado (29) pelo jornal "Folha de S.Paulo". O número de eleitores que consideram o governo bom ou ótimo caiu 27 pontos percentuais desde o início dos protestos no país. Há três semanas, a aprovação era de 57%. De acordo com o instituto, é a maior queda de popularidade registrada desde o início da gestão Dilma.
A pesquisa foi realizada na quinta (27) e sexta (28) com 4.717 pessoas, em 196 municípios. A margem de erro é de 2 pontos percentuais para mais ou para menos. É a segunda vez desde que a presidente assumiu o cargo, em 2011, que sua avaliação cai acima da margem de erro da pesquisa. Em março, o índice de aprovação do governo atingiu 65%.
O percentual de pessoas que consideram a gestão Dilma ruim ou péssima passou de 9% para 25%, segundo a pesquisa. A nota média da presidente, numa escala de 0 a 10, caiu de 7,1 para 5,8.
Os entrevistados pelo Instituto Datafolha também avaliaram o desempenho da presidente em relação aos protestos. O levantamento apontou que, para 32%, a postura de Dilma foi ótima ou boa. Outros 38% julgaram como regular e 26% avaliaram como ruim ou péssima.
Diante das manifestações em centenas de cidades brasileiras, a presidente Dilma Rousseff fez um pronunciamento na TV no dia 21 de junho e propôs aos 27 governadores e aos 26 prefeitos de capitais convidados por ela para reunião no Palácio do Planalto, no dia 24, a adoção de cinco pactos nacionais: por responsabilidade fiscal, reforma política, saúde, transporte, e educação.
A pesquisa Datafolha mostra ainda que 68% dos entrevistados apoiam a ideia de um plebiscito para consultar a população sobre questões ligadas à reforma política. Outros 19% disseram que Dilma agiu mal ao propor a ideia, e 14% não souberam responder.
O instituto diz ainda que 73% dos pesquisados são favoráveis à criação de uma constituinte para elaborar uma reforma política. Sobre esse tema, 15% mostraram-se contrários à proposta.
O Datafolha também avaliou a expectativa dos entrevistados em relação à inflação: 54% acham que o índice vá aumentar. No último levantamento, 51% afirmaram acreditar no aumento. Para 44% o desemprego vai crescer, enquanto na pesquisa anterior o índice era de 36%. Segundo o instituto, 38% acreditam que o poder de compra do salário vai cair, aumento de 11 pontos percentuais em relação ao último levantamento.
Para mim essas pesquisas anteriores - com aprovação de quase 60% - sempre foram compradas. Não é de hoje que nós - pobres infelizes que bancam a máquina governista com o pagamento de salgados impostos - não suportamos mais essa roubalheira. Nunca se roubou tanto e tão descaradamente como na gestão do PT. A desgraça do Brasil foi o PT.
Um novo ciclo (politico) esta acontecendo em nosso BRASIL e todos devem prestar conta dos seus atos. O povo esta atendo ao respeito e ética dos políticos!!!!
Somente DEUS, pode perdoar DILMA.
Os 9 DEPUTADOS que votaram a favor da PEC 37 e que foi derrubada na votação do Congresso por apelo popular.
Lourival Mendes (PTdoB-MA)
Sergio Guerra (PSDB-PE)
João Lyra (PSD-AL)
Mendonça Prado (DEM-SE)
Bernardo Santana de Vasconcellos (PR-MG)
Valdemar Costa Neto (PR-SP)
Eliene Lima (PSD-MT)
João Campos (PSDB-GO)
Abelardo Lupion (DEM-PR)
Nas proximas eleições vamos tirar esta corja de vez da politica.
Olho Neles ! ...
Citado por Juarez Sofiste
Veritas Vos Liberabit -“A verdade o libertará”
“Há algum tempo percebi que desde meus primeiros anos, recebera muitas falsas opiniões como
verdadeiras e aquilo que depois eu fundei em princípios tão mal assegurados só poderia ser duvidoso e
incerto, de modo que me foi necessário desfazer de todas as opiniões que até então eu dera crédito e
começar tudo novamente, desde os fundamentos”, (Descartes).
Texto revisado. Deve ter sido escrito por um brazuca.
Imprensa do Canadá sobre Dilma Rousseff
Nobody cares if Dilma Roussef murdered or robbed. It is just populism in the cruelest form. She is Lula's lady. Poor people have benefited a little from the end of inflation, and they forgot that this situation wasinherited by Lula. What is interesting is that the Worker's Party is neither Communist nor the helper of workers. IBGE, the main statistical institution in **Brazil**, has just released the information that illiteracy in *Brazil* increased during Lula's reign. Basic sanitation is in the same level as it was at the time of his coronation.
50,000 Brazilians die violent deaths, most caused by guns and drugs smuggled into the coutry by the FARC Marxist terrorists, alliens of Lula.
Who cares? I have a cell phone and a tv set. The next World Cup will be in *Rio*. On the other hand, the Federal Development Bank (BNDES) has received this year US$ 100 BI to lend to large corporations, in order to "buy" their good will towards the government during the election year.
The capitalists get the money for 3,5% to 7%, while the government pays 10% to 12 % for the banks. Itaú bank had the largest profit of any bank in the *Americas*, including the ones in the *US*. Other acts of largesse of the government include the distribution of TV and radio licences to capitalists and politicians, a TV network for the union leaders (Who take one day of salary from the workers and can't be audited - Lula forbid it) and the definition of the targets of investment of the pension funds from state companies, in the order of hundreds of billions of dollars. They can make you or break you.
FASCISM: This is a fascist economy, in its purest definition. Mussolini Wouldbe proud. It is hard for the common folk to understand how Communism has changed from a social utopia to this raw fascism. The reason is that they retain the old veneer in cultural causes, such as free abortion, gay marriage, globalism, ecological radicalism, etc. Just like in *China*, they tell you to live your private life.
Censorship or "media control" is in Dilma's agenda, as it is in full course in *Argentina* and *Venezuela* today. The fiscal privacy of Dilma's opponents has been broken with no consequences. Basic constitutional rights are worth nothing to the Worker's party, and they are challenging property rights. A bunch or communist peasants, all funded and led by Professional agitators, will invade farms, kill people (as they do now) and the issue will be decided by popular acclamation, in commune. We are being prepared to be pawns of the world government. I predict rough times ahead for *Brazil*. Dilma is incompetent and stubborn. Brazil's public debt has almost tripled and is about to explode, due toto the high interest rates. The boom in the exportation of minerals and agro-commodities that gave Lula's popularity such boost can end anytime, especially if a heavy crisis hits the dollar. The taxation level in Brazil is one of the highest in the world, at 40,5% and bureaucracy, with 85 different taxes in the last count,is astronomical. They won't be able to raise tax anymore to support the do-nothings employed in the government and the corruption. When the government crashes, the social aids that supported Lula's popularity will be at risk. Without the booming exports, there will be fewer jobs, and it is possible that we see riots and protests. Things have always been too easy in this country, where food grows even in a crack in the sidewalk.
Perhaps it is time for Brazilians to mature from suffering.
PS: Dilma's father was a Bulgarian. He fled his country because he was a communist activist. Surprisingly in Brazil he was a capitalist and very rich,Dilma had a very bourgeois life, living in a large house and studying at private schools. It is always good to belong to the Communist elite.
Imprensa do Canadá sobre Dilma Rousseff
Repasso e sugiro que faça o mesmo.
Imprensa do Canadá sobre Dilma Rousseff
Nobody cares if Dilma Roussef murdered or robbed. It is just populism in the cruelest form. She is Lula's lady. Poor people have benefited a little from the end of inflation, and they forgot that this situation was
inherited by Lula. What is interesting is that the Worker's Party is neither Communist nor the helper of workers. IBGE, the main statistical institution in **Brazil**, has just released the information that illiteracy in *Brazil* increased during Lula's reign. Basic sanitation is in the same level as it was at the time of his coronation.
50,000 Brazilians die violent deaths, most caused by guns and drugs smuggled into the coutry by the FARC Marxist terrorists, alliens of Lula.
Who cares? I have a cell phone ande tv set. The next World Cup will be in *Rio*. On the other hand, the Federal Development Bank (BNDES) has received this year US$ 100 BI to lend to large corporations, in order to "buy" their good will towards the government during the election year.
The capitalists get the money for 3,5% ti 7%, while the government pays 10% to 12 % for the banks. Itaú bank had the largest profit of any bank in the *Americas*, including the ones in the *US*. Other acts of largesse of the government include the distribution of TV and radio licences to capitalists and politicians, a TV network for the union leaders (Who take one day of salary from the workers and can't be audited - Lula forbid it) and the definition of the targets of investment of the pension funds from state companies, in the order of hundreds of billions of dollars. They can make you or break you.
FASCISM: This is a fascist economy, in its purest definition. Mussolini Would be proud. It is hard for the common folk to understand how Communism has changed from a social utopia to this raw fascism. The reason is that they retain the old veneer in cultural causes, such as free abortion, gay marriage, globalism, ecological radicalism, etc. Just like in *China*, they tell you to live your private life.
Censorship or "media control" is in Dilma's agenda, as it is in full course in *Argentina* and *Venezuela* today. The fiscal privacy of Dilma's opponents has been broken with no consequences. Basic constitutional rights are worth nothing to the Worker's party, and they are challengind property rights. A bunch or communist peasants, all funded and led by Professional agitators, will invade farms, kill people (as they do now) and the issue will be decided by popular acclamation, in commune. We are being prepared to be pawns of the world government. I predict rough times ahead for *Brazil*. Dilma is incompetent and stubborn. Brazil's public debt has almost tripled and is about to explode, due to to the high interest rates. The boom in the exportation of minerals and agro-commodities that gave Lula's popularity such boost can end anytime, especially if a heavy crisis hits the dollar. The taxation level in Brazil is one of the highet in the world, at 40,5% and bureaucracy, with 85 different taxes in the last count, is astronomical. They won't be able to raise tax anymore to support the do-nothings employed in the government and the corruption. When the government crashes, the social aids that supported Lula's popularity will be at risk. Without the booming exports, there willbe fewer jobs, and it is possible that we see riots and protests. Things have always been tôo easy in this coutry, where food grows even in a crack in the sidewalk.
Perhaps it is time for Brazilians to mature from suffering.
PS: Dilma's father was a Bulgarian. He fled his country because he was a communist activist. Surprisingly in Brazil he was a capitalist and very rich, Dilma had a very bourgeois life, living in a large house and studying at private schools. It is always good to belong to the Communist elite.